Saturday, November 11, 2017

11. Nov '17 - in the Club

Today was the first day since the last time we had class that we had class.

We began with a perennial classic song, "Familie bis ins Mark" from My Little Pony: die Freundschaft ist Magie. It's a magical song about the Apple Family and all the ties that bind them together as a family. We laughed, we cried, we did some serious soul searching as these cartoon ponies regaled us with their euphoric siren song.

For Meine Woche, I relayed the various locales I visited and stories I heard the weekend of my absence, when I was taking 'haunted history, fact and folklore' tours throughout Wisconsin.

Our lesson was an introduction to the perfect tense, commonly known as just "the past" or "the spoken past," depending on whom you ask. This will continue for a few weeks before we transition into the simple past/the preterit. I sent home a handout with each student in lieu of handwritten notes, since this topic is one of the more complex ones we cover.

We were going to present the Ancient Tribes work that the students did last week, but it seems some groups were not prepared or had simply left things at home, so this must be done next week or bust.

Class ended wth an interesting take on a Round Robin Story, one of those where each person writes a sentence (timed) and then passes it on to the next person. Our characters were ponies named Snuggles, Wuggles, Huggles, Buggles, and Steve.

Until next time.

Mit Vergnügen

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