Sunday, October 22, 2017

21. Okt '17 - Haunted Bathrooms

Guten Tag,

Our day started out as usual with Meine Woche, which had an interesting story about a "haunted bathroom," that I'm sure your kids will share, as well as the saga of the mystery tuna.

Listening comprehension was "10 Tipps für faule Menschen" by Mirrellativegal. "Tipps damit ihr noch fauler werden könnt!" 

Our lesson was over the Superlative, continuing off the Comparative that we had been covering over the last few weeks.

We discussed how superlative statements are, in essence, "the most something of all," e.g. "the biggest," "the strongest," "the prettiest," "the smallest."

Much like with comparatives, an adjective with only one main vowel is given an umlaut (ö, ä, ü).
For superlatives, also add an -ste at the end unless the adjective ends in s, z or ß
So we have, for instance:
größte (groß with an ¨, -te at the end since it already has an ß)
stärkste (stark with an ¨, and -ste at the end)
kleinste (klein with an -ste at the end)

A superlative noun (e.g. "The Prettiest," "The Strongest") is just the superlative adjective with the appropriate article and ending.
Der Beste (the best of all)
Der Kleinste (the smallest of all)

Alternatively, to say something is the most ____, use the phrase am ____sten.
"Ich bin am kleinsten" (I'm the smallest)
"Du bist am doofsten" (you're the dumbest)

Lastly, superlatives can simply be used like any other adjective, stuck in front of a word.
"Ich bin der schönste Pony in der Park" (I am the prettiest pony in the park)
"Sie ist die reichste Prinzessin in dem Land" (she is the richest princess in the land)

We did two activities with this, both of which went far more smoothly and quickly than I had anticipated. We held a class election for who was the Klügste, Schönste, Sportlischste, and the class was surprisingly in complete agreement on that. So yeah. That lasted about 5 minutes. Then we did a comparative-superlative rap, complete with beatboxing and some mild dance moves, whereupon we barged into the 8th grade room and rapped at them about how much cooler of a class we are than them. This was the first class ever to actually successfully RAP so that was nice. 

Mit Vergnügen

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