Sunday, September 27, 2015

26.Sep '15 - Kochen mit Sardinen und Nutella

Guten Tag,

Gestern haben wir viel Spaß gehabt! Es wurd gequatscht, geschrieben, gelernt, gesehen, und Deutsch gesprochen. Ich habe's mir gewünscht, es war auch unter uns etwas essen worden, aber leider hat niemand Snacks mitgebracht.

The day began as it tends to, with Herr Walker talking about something. He has an interesting habit of doing that.

This week we introduced the "Mitmachen Tabellen," where students gauge their own participation (with my prompting) in each class period. Whenever someone volunteers to do something, or makes an honest attempt to answer a question, they get to write a point on their sheet; the goal is to get at least 5 points per day. These sheets are taken up every quarter, and based on their score, I determine their "Fleiss" (effort, participation) grade at semester's end.

As is uns gewöhnlich, we started with Meine Woche which is always nice for working up Mitmachen points.

Then, we did our listening comprehension for the day, a satirical "cooking show" by one of my favorite German podcasters called, "Kochen mit Kimberly." This week's recipe (a conglomeration of Twitter follower-suggested ingredients) was "Nutella-Ingwer-Sardinen Suppe" which was exactly what it sounded like.

To review (and wrap up) the lesson from last week over expressing preferences, we did a Kahoot on the topic, whereupon the winner was "Grape Juice." We then reviewed the previous week's content and covered use of gern, lieber, and am liebsten with haben (to refer to objects and people) and verbs (to refer to preferred activities).

After lunch, we paired/trioed up and made and presented dialogues as an in-class assessment and wrap-up of that lesson. This was an easy topic to start the year with and to help me gauge the Sprachkenntnisse of the new 7th graders.

I'm not certain whether we will have a combined 7th and 8th again next year or whether there will be another teacher with a separate class--as soon as I know for sure, I will let you know, because I have been asked several times so far this year.

As this week was a wrap-up, there was no homework assigned.

~Mit Vergnügen

Saturday, September 19, 2015

19.September '15 - Vorstellen und Obst werfen

Welcome to another exciting episode of the Chicago Donauschwaben!

Today's class period began with an acquaintance building activity, as is the grand tradition of academia on the first day and a mainstay of teachers who must learn the names of a dozen people as quickly as they can. There was dialogue, a sparkling ball that no one (myself included) was particularly good at catching, and just enough laughter to start the day off right.

Both as another acquaintance builder and as a lead-in to our lesson, the students all filled out short questionnaires over their likes/preferences auf Deutsch and then went around asking for one another's likes/preferences and logging them down, which we then shared as a class.

We then engaged in what I hope to make a tradition, "Meine Woche" wherein I conduct a presentation auf Deutsch summarizing the highlights of my week, including plentiful pretty pictures and anectdotes, and the kids answer questions back to me about what they believe they heard.

After a short break, we watched a video in response to which the students were tasked with answering comprehension questions, including learning from context such vocabulary as "Freizeit" and the grammar point, the use of "gern" "lieber" and "am liebsten."

After lunch, we spoke about the grammar a bit, including taking notes and doing examples.
From this, each student made their own questions, and we went once more around the room asking one another about likes and preferences.

And now, the moment we've all been waiting for..... The Homework!

  • 5 written full sentences auf Deutsch
    • Something you like to do
    • Your favorite thing to do
    • What you like to eat
    • Your favorite thing to eat
    • Something nice about Sean der Schaf (class mascot)

Mit Vergnügen~