Saturday, October 7, 2017

7. Oktober '17 - Comparatively Good

Guten Abend,

Today's class began as it usually does, with words.

To be more specific, we began with "Meine Woche," wherein I regaled the students with tales of this past weekend that I spent in Cape Cod for a wedding, and all the loveliness that entailed despite the fact that it rained the entire time and the ceremony was on the beach. 

Our listening comprehension was a perennial classic,  "Der Käse Song" from my favorite Austrian YouTuber, Michael Buchinger. The old timers in the audience will quickly realize it's a parody of a song from 1990. I'll leave it at that to let it be an age test for you. Hint: "that's where it is!" 

Our lesson was beginning a unit on comparatives and superlatives, today being a deeper dive into "Comparatives" after Frau Bodigor (re)introduced the topic last week. While this topic is "new" to the school year, I know that everyone in the class has indeed learned about this in previous school years, a conclusion which was further reinforced by the relative ease with which they picked up the lesson and ran with it, so really this unit is more of a review and reinforcing of prior knowledge before we move on to more complicated things. 

We talked about how to form comparative adjectives,which I have broken down into a few general steps (bearing in mind there are plenty of irregulars out there):

For "More"

  • Take a normal adjective and add an -er to the end
  • If the adjective has one vowel (like "stark" or "groß") then add an umlaut
  • use "als" to mean "than" in a comparative phrase
Ich bin groß becomes Ich bin größer als  (I'm big... I'm bigger than...) 

For "Less"
  • nicht so {adjective} wie
Ich bin groß... Ich bin nicht so groß wie... (I'm big... I'm not as big as...) 

For examples, each student was semi-randomly assigned a celebrity/iconic character to whom they would compare themselves in six ways. My favorites were "Ich bin nicht so reich wie Taylor Swift" and "Ich habe bessere Haare als Elvis."

After the break, we had arguments. Students broke up into pairs, chose a category in which they would declare their favorite thing (e.g. a food, music, a movie, a tv show, etc.) and then argue out loud about which one was better and why. This became oddly poetic and semi-surreal at times, especially with the two girls who chose category "Waffen" and argued about the virtues of "Words" versus "the bow and arrow." I feel like I should've written that down.

Next week, we begin the foray into our historical-cultural unit for the year. Please bring a wi-fi capable device that would make for easy reading and research, such as a tablet. 

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