Saturday, December 16, 2017

16. Dez. '17 - DER KRAMPUS KOMMT

Guten Abend,

Today the Krampus came to carry us all away. Specifically, actually I was the only one to get carried off, come to think of it.

It began like any other day... we did Meine Woche, and then came the lesson over Krampus. We discussed who the Krampus is and how he differs from and intersects with Saint Nikolaus. Then, in lieu of the traditional and somewhat cliched, "Write Letters to Santa for Presents," we wrote letters to Krampus asking him to please not come and carry us away, because even though we're naughty there are other people in the class who are so much naughtier.

We had to pause for a while to practice the Weihnachtsprogramm, but after that and after lunch, we did a little planned exchange with the 8th graders.

The 8th grade had written letters to St. Nick to persuade him why they were the nicest in their class. We listened to them and then held a vote. Those who lost were carried way by Krampus, played by a student from our own 7th grade class.

We then read our letters about why, ok, we were naughty, but definitely not not the naughtiest, and then the one who was judged to be naughtiest (turned out to be me) got carried away by Krampus.

We wrapped up with "Schnappi das kleine Krokodil," a selection from a student, and then prepared for the Weihnachtsprogramm.

See you in January!

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