Saturday, January 14, 2017

14. Januar '17 - Being Polite

Today we began with a "Meine Woche" presented by yours truly, and then did our listening comprehension with a video from Mirellativegal about "How to be Vegetarier," which gave us such insightful tips as "Esse kein Fleisch" and "Kaufe kein Fleisch."

Our lesson covered modal verbs, their proper sentence structure (similar to SHIP, modal verb is the helping verb and the main verb goes at the end) and their usage in proper discourse.
We covered how "dürfen" (may) is correctly used instead of "können" (can) when asking permission, and how "möchten" (would like) is the polite way of making a request in lieu of using "wollen" (want).
These are very similar to polite discourse in English.

We did some roleplaying with this, and at the end played a game of "Wer hat das Einhorn?" for Spaß.

The homework is that the kids must persuade me not to give them anymore homework. In 4 sentences, using the appropriate modal verbs, tell me:

  • You would not like homework, and why
  • Why I should not give homework
These will be read aloud in front of the class, and the more persuasive (and dramatic) the reasons and their presentation, the better. 

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