Saturday, April 30, 2016

Demonstratively - 30.4 '16

Guten Tag,

Today we had a week presentation, followed by the 8th graders present regaling the rest of the class with practice of their end of the year speeches, accompanied by questions to ensure listening comprehension.

Later in the class, the 7th graders made their own speech drafts in much the same format and read them aloud as further speaking practice.

Our lesson for the day was over demonstrative pronouns, the use of the article in place of an antecedent word (e.g. "Der Hund schreibt einen Blogeintrag. Der ist ja so ein guter Schreiber!")

As outlined in the email entry, next week will be when the class does, in pairs, presentations reviewing what we have covered this school year.

Mit Vergnügen


  1. When do we have to turn these in to be checked over?
