Sunday, March 8, 2015

7.März '15 - die schönsten

Today's class period opened like any other day, with a choreographed dance routine involving 17 bengal tigers, a can of green beans, and a few hundred roman candles.

Actually no, just kidding. Frau Rill said our insurance covers neither pyrotechnics nor exotic animals, so that got vetoed outright.

Instead we did listening comprehension with "Am Besten Sein" by Juli and used this as a segue into our lesson over superlative adjectives. This was followed by an activity I'm very proud of having thought up, namely our having a school-wide election.

That's right! Those present divided into competing pairs, which coincidentally became the two boys against each other, and the two girls against each other, competing for the titles of "Die Schönste Haare" and "Der Klügste" (prettiest hair and the cleverest--they chose what to compete for themselves). They made posters, composed speeches, and then we all went from classroom to classroom to hold a debate campaign. Each class heard out the candidates and voted whom they found the most convincing.

In the end, the girls tied for prettiest hair, and a boy was declared the cleverest mostly because he had an awesome poster that was covered in feathers, and let's be honest, who doesn't like feathers?

Next week, the class will be taking a practice version of the AATG proficiency test as a sneak peak and benchmark for the test they will take for real in 8th grade, so please let me or Frau Lussem know if your child will not be present.

-Mit Vergnügen

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