Saturday, December 6, 2014

6.Dez. '14 - Krieg

Today, we went to war.

It all started out so calmly with the song "Mein Fahrrad" by Die Prinzen.
We then took inventory or our handouts to make sure that everyone had everything needed for end-of-semester quizzes in the next few weeks.

Then out came "Krieg im Altentum: ein gutes Spiel," the strategy fighting game I made myself because it's fun. In short, using the legionnaires and teutonic warriors we'd made and decorated in past weeks, along with a point system of defense and offense, hit points and saves, the class divided into two groups to pit the Teutons against the Romans. It's a lot like a mix of Pokemon and DnD, as regards mechanics, and was a fun use of the vocabulary we'll have a quiz over next week as well as regular verb and dative case usage.

By 1 point, the Teutons ended up winning after a very long, drawn-out battle with many upsets and sudden reversals.

The vocabulary quiz next week will be over these words (and they're also on the handouts "Eisenzeit Kleider" and "Waffen.")

  1. Sword - der Schwert
  2. Spear - der Speer
  3. Shield - der Schild (note that Das Schild is a sign, and Der Schild is the defensive device) 
  4. Dagger - der Dolch (makes me giggle every time I order Dulce de Leche)
  5. Helmet - der Helm
  6. Body Armor - die Körperpanzerung 
  7. Pants - die Hose
  8. Cloak/coat - der Mantel
  9. Sandals - die Sandalen
  10. Boots - die Stiefel
  11. Catapult - die Schleuder
  12. Skirt - der Rock
And they will be asked to identify what the following are on a diagram of a Roman: toga, tunic, sash, laurels.

Viel Glück!

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