Saturday, April 6, 2013

6.April '13 - Guten Morgen, Hans!

Guten Tag!

Today we had a triumphant return to the last leg of the school year with 5 in attendance, so thank you for sending your child to school; for those who were sick, I hope you get well soon.

Class began with everyone reading their Hans essays aloud, the homework from the previous week wherein they had to describe what Hans die Katze does every morning. The winner got to cat-sit Hans for the rest of the day. For no immediately apparent reason, I also had everyone write down a random list of adjectives and nouns of their choice to be used later.

We went over certain words for morning routines, namely the differences between Wecken (to wake, transitive) aufwachen (to wake up) and aufstehen (to get up). We then added to our repertoire of modal verbs (sollen, können, möchten, dürfen, wollen) "müssen" (must) and did little roleplays with them.

Finally we came to the reason why we had written down random words at the beginning of class. With all students keeping their eyes closed, I asked for certain words (e.g. "noun!") and when all was completed, they opened their eyes to find what madness their word choices had wrought upon the world: yes, we did madlibs.
My favorite was, "Hans die Katze will im Apfel mit Käse schwimmen, aber er kann nicht, denn die Polizei sind in der Nähe."

The day wrapped up with some grammar exercises, followed by Singprobe.

Our homework:

P. 103, ex. 15


Ground Rules for Hans:
Hans die Katze is spending a week at your house. Make 10 rules for him, 5 things he MAY do (using dürfen) and 5 things he MUST do (using müssen) while a guest in your home.

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