Saturday, March 9, 2013

9.März - Fashion Week!

The most fabulous times were had today at the fabulous German School!

As mentioned in last week's email, today we made our fabulous, fabulous fashion catalogues with the help of the various magazines and ad papers that the children brought with them. Thanks for remember to have those brought to class!
We spent most of the day making the Modekatalogen and affixing brand names, vocabulary words and prices (in Euros) to each item.
Accompanying this, we had a brief lesson over digit demarcation in Germany ("," for decimals, "." for thousands, millions and billions), the verb Kosten (Not to be confused with Kotzen!), and the phrases "wie viel" and "wie viele" (how much and how many respectively).

Further, we held the quiz over vocabulary from the Hörverständnis exercises. Those not present today will need to make this up later.

And now, for the homework:
Exercises 8-9
Fashion Catalogue (for those not present or those who did not finish)

  • Make a catalogue of clothes or sporting goods
  • Write down the German word for each item next to it
  • Also write down the price of each in Euros (it can be entirely made-up)
  • Use either hand-drawings, photos or cut-outs from magazines
  • Name your store as well!
  • At least 3 pages

Mit Vergnügen~

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