Guten Tag everyone!
This Saturday we began by finishing out the student-lead "Meine Woche" presentations and preparing to begin next week with the latest installment, finishing out our unit on the future tense: "Meine Nächste Woche."
Our song for the day was "Prokrastination" by Mirellativegal, which was hilarious and well-received.
We began our unit on modal verbs, starting with "Wollen" and "Möchten" in the context of how to politely and idiomatically correctly make requests. This lead to much hilarity when the students were tasked with roleplaying out the rules they learned, demonstrating politeness and prolific rudeness as they saw fit.
Generally speaking, when used to make a request, "Wollen" (want) is considered impolite. When simply expressing desire, such as "oooh I want that," it's fine, but barking "I WANT!" is childish, whereas a polite and cultured individual makes requests with "Möchten" (would like).
This went far quicker than I'd imagined it would, so we were able to move onto the second set of modal verbs, "Können" (can) and "Dürfen" (may). The rules of usage for these are quite similar to English: use "may" when asking for permission, since "can" is stating that one is indeed physically capable of doing something.
And that was the day!
Mit Vergnügen.
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