Guten Abend,
Today began slowly. For the first half hour it seemed we would only have 2 students in attendance, which made me sad. Then suddenly the class doubled in size, and all was well.
We had two "Meine Woche" presentations, and had "Ich hab 'nen Traum" ('I've Got a Dream' from 'Tangled') as our listening comprehension exercise.
Once we were settled in, as refresher as well as a necessary exercise, we went through some of the fundamentals of pronunciation, focusing on common errors I've been noticing during presentations. To do so, we went through the perennial classic... Züngenbrecher. We upped the ante a bit and added projectiles to it, because of course we did.
We finished out the lesson over comparative iron age religion, this time covering the Germanic end of things, including how we still see remnants of these myths even to this day, e.g. in the days of the week (Thor's Day Thursday, Odin's Day Wednesday, Tyr's Day Tuesday, Frigg's Day Friday), pop culture (the Marvel movies, for instance) and our own modern day myths (Santa is Odin).
We then began our lesson on the future tense, diving into its usage, the verb Werden, and how the lessons we learned with the past tense (e.g. word order/syntax) still apply here with this tense as well.
Next week onward, we will continue to have "Meine Woche" presentations from the students, so those who were informed that they are coming next will need to be prepared.
Mit Vergnügen.
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