Sunday, May 6, 2018

5.Mai '18 - Gips

Guten Tag!

Here is what went down at German School this Saturday.

We opened with Meine Woche as usual, and for our listening comprehension used "Dinge die man mit einem Gips tun und nicht tunn kann" by Mirellativegal.

The majority of our time was spent on a much-needed review lesson over regular verb conjugation, as it seems this knowledge has slipped through the cracks over the years. We did a racing game that reviewed this as well as some of the various tenses and modal verbs we learned this year, and played a long game of Bingo with regular verb endings.

The independent task we spent our second half of the day on was finding our own songs or poems (in German) and answering the following questions about them:
  • The general meaning of the poem 
  • Your interpretation of its intention -- why did the author write it or what was he trying to communicate?
They are, next class period, to be read aloud. Those present were also supposed to write comprehension questions to ask the rest of the class upon presenting the poems. 

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