Guten Tag!
Today we started off with our quiz over modal verbs, as promised and predicted. This went seemingly well, and then we did a very very quick and uneventful "meine Woche" followed by a classic video from Mirellativegal.
Our lesson was over the future tense. This we will spent a couple weeks on -- not very many, because it's such a simple topic, using "werden" as a helping verb to make a statement into one of the future. The sentence structure is the same as with other tenses that require multiple verbs, SHIM with the "H" (helper) being "werden."
So "I will write my blog," Ich werde meinen Blogeintrag schreiben.
We did a little Wahrsagerei or what was really just silly Mad Libs in the future tense. I provided a subject, an object, and a place, and the kids had 30 seconds to make "predictions" about them.
Example: Hr Walker, ein Schaufel, Wrigley Field. Yielding results like, "Hr. Walker wird einen Schaufen in Wrigley Field finden" or "Hr Walker wird einen Schaufel in Wrigley Field essen" etc.
We did a very short lesson over comparative military strategy and armaments in the Iron Age, comparing Romans to ancient Germans. This will continue next week and segue into my famous, "Eisenzeitkrieg" game which is basically like playing Pokemon battle but with paper cutouts and a large amount of German vocabulary.
An upcoming assignment we shall be starting soon is "Meine Nächste Woche," similar to Meine Woche except in the future tense. I will send out assignments for that forthwith.
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