This morning opened with "Meine Woche," followed by our video and listening comprehension of the day, courtesy of my favorite German podcaster, mirrelativegal.
Most of our time was focused on the princess project, where our groups (though roughly half the class was present, we had enough to continue working) made reasons, and persuasive posters, as to why their Princess of Equestria was the best.
Once completed, we campaigned throughout the other classrooms, going from 6th all the way down through 2nd grade to get votes for each group. It ended up being a tie between Princesses Celestia and Luna.
Next week we are done talking about different adjective forms. I distributed more copies of the handouts from previous weeks in case of absence or forms being lost.
We shall be doing summative assessments to see how well the topic went.
Oh, and costumes are encouraged for next week, Halloween!
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