Guten Abend,
We opened class today with a dance off that lasted for 17 hours, the winning couple having received a Volkswagen Jetta and an all-expense paid 3-day trip to Honolulu.
Actually we did a song, "99 Luftballoons" by Nena, as it was requested every other time I played a song for them, so we went ahead and did it.
We went over the modal verbs we've covered so far, "wollen" and "können," using a dialogue about Roman arsenals wherein the class discussed what ordinances or armor would be required for different tasks of their own making, and we added "dürfen" to the mix as well, going over the differences in usage between "können" and "dürfen" (can vs. may).
Before the break, we also filled out labelled diagrams of a typical Roman legionnaire from the 1st century AD.
After the break, we made our own legionnaires to hang up on the wall as well.
We spent some time cleaning up the classroom at the end, and then we called it a day.
Please remember there is no class next week due to Thanksgiving.
Mit Vergnügen!
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