Saturday, April 5, 2014

5.April - Gut und Gerüstet

Guten Tag!

It's been a while, what with trips out of the country followed soon after by two consecutive weekends off for Spring Break! Welcome back to German school.

Today we learned vocabulary for the parts of the body, and also Imperial Roman armor. Not kidding. We used both sets of vocabulary to fill in diagrams of a person and a legionnaire, and then we used paper people cut-outs along with tons of felt, pipe cleaner, glitter, balsa wood, posterboard, glue, tape, and acrylic markers to decorate the cutouts like legionnaires. We now have legionnaires hanging on the wall, complete with gladii (swords), spathae (spears) and shields. Come around and see them sometime!

As the year draws to a close, I intend to explore some of the more obscure and interesting angles of our historical theme, so you can expect the arts and crafts to continue.

The homework is quite simple:

In 5 sentences or more, write a short argument auf Deutsch about which you think was the better legionary weapon: the sword or the spear, and why. Think about it in the context of Teutoburg and how/why the Roman's lost that battle to the Germanic tribes.

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