Guten Abend, alle!
Welcome to the new school year with the 7.Klasse of the German School! I'm pleasantly surprised that you all seem to be pleasantly surprised at the pleasant surprise of my being your children's teacher once again, which I find surprisingly pleasant.
Our attendance today was rather sparse, with 4 students at the beginning which ended up dwindling down to 1 by the last hour. To avoid miscommunications and planning difficulties, I'd asked those present to present me next class, or whenever possible, with schedules for their sporting events and the like for my reference. This way, I can easily check these calendars to know in advance who is going to be absent, which is extremely helpful, so please turn in to me all event calendars/meet schedules and such at your earliest convenience.
Most of our time was spent creating the class charter, or the rules and expectations for this year, as a collaborative effort, hoping to inspire 'ownership' of the class and investment in its orderliness and success. The best part, I'd say, was that those who bring their homework to class will be allowed 10-15 minute break (possibly nap time) after lunch each day, whereas those who don't will need to use this time to do the homework.
Next class we will begin our more academic forays, and possibly go pearl diving off the coast of the Virgin Islands, if all goes well.
Mit Vergnügen~
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