Today we played our traditional review game of Jeopardy. The teams were 3 vs. 3, "Hans die Katze" versus "Nuddelsuppe." Nuddelsuppe won by a margin of about 600 points.
The test will be next week, covering the following topics from all that we went over during the year:
- Modal verbs - meaning, usage, syntax
- Regular verbs - conjugation rules
- Articles - definite, indefinite
- Pronouns - meaning and usage (e.g. "difference between 'du' and 'ihr' and 'Sie')
- Accusative case
- Possessive adjectives
- Food vocabulary
- Family vocabulary
- Time (12 hr, 24 hr, quarter or half 'til/after, days, months, seasons, time of day)
- Numbers
Neither books, nor notes, nor dictionaries, nor thesauruses are allowed during the test.
For questions, please get in touch with me as I would want to make sure your child is clear on what to study.
~Mit Vergnügen
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