Saturday, May 18, 2013

18.Mai - Letzter Schultag

Guten Abend, liebe Leute aus Lernenland!

Today was our last day of German school for the '12-'13 school year, to recommence in September of this upcoming Fall.

For the duration of our class time, we played GEIST (it's like "SPUD," apparently) with the 7th grade class as lead by Fr. Noelke. This we did up until the Graduation Ceremony and subsequent picnic.

Report cards were handed out, and all past assignments that had been posted on the wall throughout the classroom were taken down to be brought back home.

Those not present will have their report cards mailed to them by Fr. Lussem.

Much was learned this year, much was played, much was eaten, and there was definitely children in attendance most of the time: this much is certain. Thank you for the privilege of teaching your kids, and I hope you all grace us with your continued presence and patronage in upcoming years.

Wie immer, mit Vergnügen~

Saturday, May 11, 2013

11. Mai '13 - Götterdämmerung

Ragnarok is upon us! To arms, brave teutons! To arms! Loki's brood falls upon the world of men!

Being slightly less dramatic, today was indeed the test day, the day where all the knowledge that has managed to seep into the brains of the 5.Klasse over the course of the year was tested, set through the crucible. I will have the graded tests next week. So far, they're looking rather nice. I'm very proud of the progress your kids have made this year.

I was subbing for the 6.Klasse today, leaving the 5.Klasse in the capable hands of Fr. Lussem, who proctored the test and monitored the children during the well-earned frolicking and frivolity that followed. Thanks goes out especially to those children such as Max who helped Fr. Lussem in tidying up the building as well in preparation for the Mothers' Day celebration.

Next week shall be the picnic, end of the year wrap-up, presentation of awards and graduation of the 8.Klasse. Usually I'm also given a flower that I subsequently give to my mother-in-law to plant in her garden since every plant I take care of dies. So be present for that--it's a fun time. It really is, especially the part where they give us food. Food is very German.

Zeugnisse will be given out next week, and those who are absent will receive it in the mail. There are currently 2 students who have not yet turned in their books; please do so lest you be charged the price of them.

Mit Vergnügen~

Saturday, May 4, 2013

4.Mai '13 - Jeopardy

Guten Abend,

Today we played our traditional review game of Jeopardy. The teams were 3 vs. 3, "Hans die Katze" versus "Nuddelsuppe." Nuddelsuppe won by a margin of about 600 points.

The test will be next week, covering the following topics from all that we went over during the year:

  • Modal verbs - meaning, usage, syntax
  • Regular verbs - conjugation rules
  • Articles - definite, indefinite
  • Pronouns - meaning and usage (e.g. "difference between 'du' and 'ihr' and 'Sie')
  • Accusative case
  • Possessive adjectives
  • Food vocabulary
  • Family vocabulary
  • Time (12 hr, 24 hr, quarter or half 'til/after, days, months, seasons, time of day)
  • Numbers
Neither books, nor notes, nor dictionaries, nor thesauruses are allowed during the test. 

For questions, please get in touch with me as I would want to make sure your child is clear on what to study. 

~Mit Vergnügen