Saturday saw us once again opening the day with a comic worksheet, and once again I was pleasantly surprised at how well the kids understood what was going on and their ability to describe a dialogue that was entirely in German.
We reviewed haben and sein, and then segued into something we will be touching upon throughout the year, namely regular verb conjugation. The way I've traditionally presented this is by introducing guidelines for how regular verbs are handled:
- The stem of a regular verb remains the same
- The endings for the conjugations are easily predictable and hang on the pronoun choice
Ich: stem + e
Du: stem +st
er/sie/es: stem + t
Wir: stem + en
ihr: stem + t
Sie/sie: stem + en
The reasoning I've tried to hammer home behind this is that, through memorization of these guidelines, the students should be able to make an educated guess as to how to conjugate a regular verb they've never so much as seen before.
Following this, we went over food vocabulary and played a memory game to go with them. These we will cover again, and they will be included on our first quiz in coming weeks.
And now.... the homework.
Speisekarten (menus)
- Create a menu for your own, made-up restaurant.
- Name the restaurant whatever you'd like
- List out the foods and drinks (including articles) in German
- Include pictures (either drawn, clipart, pics from online, magazines...)
- Include prices (no need to attempt to accurately guess the market price)
- MAKE IT PRETTY!!!!!! These will be displayed in the classroom for posterity for coming years to see.
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