Monday, March 26, 2012

Frühlingspause - bis 7. April

Guten Tag,

For the next two weekends, we will not be meeting for class. I know, I'm sad about it too, but what can you do? I'll have to find something else to do with my next few Saturdays.

This past Saturday we spent the majority of the class period doing two things:
  • The quiz over the vocabulary from our Hörverständnis exercises
  • Making our own fashion catalogues
Thanks to those of you who sent your kids to school with magazines and the like. This was a big success, and I look forward to grading and giving back the results. If your child was not present in class to do the fashion catalogue assignment, or did not finish in class, then this will be homework.
The assignment was as follows:

Make your own fashion catalogue
  • Include both pictures (handdrawn, clip art, magazine clippings etc) and the words for each type of clothing, e.g. "Das Hemd, der Schuh"
  • Include prices in Euros
  • Name your fashion company as well

After the quiz and catalogue, we spent the remaining class time, which wasn't much, playing a new game: "Wo ist mein Schuh?" wherein one person's shoe was hidden somewhere in the classroom, and the student had to find where it was by asking the others a maximum of 3 questions, e.g. "Ist es IN etwas?" "Ist es in einem Schreibtisch?" and so on.

The homework to be turned in the next class period is as follows:

Page 79 (workbook)
Exercises 8-9
Fashion Catalogue (if not done in class or not finished)

I'll be seeing you in April.

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