Today was a day of surprise, suspense, and Speise! Well, mostly of Speise. A significant chunk of our time was devoted to learning food vocabulary, namely the below-listed:
das Cola (soda)
die Limonade (lemonade or generic for soft drink)
der Apfelsaft (apple juice)
der Orangensaft (orange juice)
das Wasser (water)
die Milch (milk)
der Kaffee (coffee)
der Tee (tea)
der Hamburger
die Pizza
das Brot (bread)
das Ei (egg)
der Käse (cheese)
die Wurst (sausage)
die Brezel/Bretzel (pretzel)
die Suppe (soup)
die Pommes Frites (fries)
das Obst (fruit)
das Gemüse (veggies)
der Kuchen (cake)
With these words, we played another memory game, which seemed to go over well, and also introduced a new game that has been a staple of my class for a while now: "Hast du mein Obst?!" wherein the children ask each other "HAST DU MEIN OBST?!" and must answer "ICH HABE DEIN OBST NICHT!" the goal being to make one another laugh.
I was an easy target this time, somehow, as apparently this year's group of kids outclasses all my previous ones in their ability to make me laugh!
We also went over regular verbs (introduced with a rousing round of bingo) and learned the below-listed conjugation rules which will be re-introduced and emphasized frequently throughout the year.
- Every verb has a stem that does not change in the present tense (e.g. MACHen, SPIELen TRINKen...)
- Each subject adds a different ending to the stem of a verb, the same ending each time:
- Ich: stem + e ("MACHe")
- Du: stem + st ("MACHst")
- er/sie/es: stem + t ("MACHt")
- Ihr: stem + t ("MACHt")
- Wir: stem + en ("MACHen")
- Sie/sie: stem + en ("MACHen")
And now, the moment you've all been waiting for....
- Make a menu for your own imaginary restaurant
- Invent a restaurant name, be original!
- List out the food and drinks with both the names (including articles) and pictures
- Include prices (in euros) for each menu item
- Make it pretty! Be creative!
- Pictures can be hand-drawn, cut out of magazines, photographs or digital pictures.
~Mit Vergnügen
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