Tuesday, September 13, 2011

17.9.11 - der erste Schultag

 Guten Tag one and all,
As you are doubtless aware, this upcoming Saturday will be the first day of this year's Donauschwaben Wochenendschule session. I look forward to meeting those of you whom I have not yet had the pleasure of meeting, and of course likewise I'll be happy to see again those of you whose children I've had in class before.
For those of you who have not yet met me, allow me to introduce myself a bit. I'm Hr. Walker, 5th grade teacher of the Society's weekend school. I'm currently in my 4th year at the school, and I would like to think that with each year I grow at least a little bit in wisdom and pedagogical ability. My curriculum is rather grammar-heavy, and as such there will be much in the way of note-taking accompanied by as many corresponding activities and games as we can fit into a 3-hour morning!
For your information, my classroom has changed locations for the first time in years. I am now located on the side of the building closest to the front entrance (not the back one where the kids have lunch). You may know it as Frau Dickerson's former room. With the addition of the new wing for the school, we did a bit of switching around among the teaching staff so as to ensure that each class had enough space based upon the projected class sizes.

Please be certain that your children are as close to on time as possible as we will be engaging in various introductory activities as well as distributing textbooks and workbooks on Saturday. Please be sure as well that your student has the following on Saturday as well as each and every day of the school year:
  • Pencils
  • Notebook paper
  • Adequate erasers
  • Shoes suitable for both indoor and outdoor activities
  • Jackets (as necessary throughout the year)
  • Clothing that would allow them to sit on the floor as easily as in their desks (e.g. please avoid skirts as far as possible)
This is a very active class, and I would hate for anyone not to be able to participate fully due to not being adequately prepared or properly dressed.
Each Saturday evening, I will be sending an email out to the parents with information over what we covered in class today as well as that week's homework assignment. This will also be covered in detail on the blog I established for this purpose... which you are now viewing!
bei weiteren Fragen stehe ich euch gerne zur Verfügung.
~Mit Vergnügen

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