Ich bitt' euch um Entschüldigung für den verspäteten Beitrag dieses Wochenendes, aber meine Frau ist ziemlich krank und benötigte etwas Aufmerksamkeit von mir.
This Saturday was a fun day, full of exciting grammatical discoveries, new vocabulary and new intellectual challenges! Sadly, we also had to have game time every now and then, but rest assured that all that "fun" nonsense that kids these days seem to like did not serve to hamper our cognitive growth time.
Introduced in class Saturday was an activity we do intermittently throughout the year, Nachrichten exercises. In short, I print out news/culture articles taken from Deutsche Welle (deutschewelle.de), highlight passages in which the primary facts/themes of the article are located and underline key words the children might not know. I then provide them with a vocabulary table and between 4 and 7 questions over the material. This week we covered the below-listed article, which also serves as a segue into our geographic theme for the year:
Our theme or "Landeskündliches Thema" is East Berlin under the GDR.
After doing this article, I gave a brief introduction to the division of Germany post WW2, including the division of Berlin and the construction of the infamous wall. We will be covering elements of life and culture in the DDR Berlin throughout the year.
Following this, we reviewed spelling and pronunciation of numbers 1-100, and with this fresh in our brains we played a memory game, matching numbers with their written-out forms on little cards.
One of many grammar points were covered as we were introduced to the verbs Haben and Sein, including their meaning, usage and conjugations. Expect more on this to come!
One of my favorite games to play in class was introduced as well, "Wer hat den Schlüssel?" Where the children sit in a circle with one person in the center, who then has to guess which one of his/her classmates is hiding the key (I used a little plastic key from Walmart).
And now, for the moment you've all been waiting for...
The Homework:
Page 8 in the workbook
Exercises 8 and 9
The class was a little loud on Saturday, and I warned them that my having to tell them 3 times to stop talking out of turn would result in more homework. So here is the rest of the homework:
- Conjugate Haben and Sein
- Make 10 sentences with these verbs.
Bei fragen stehe ich euch gerne zur Verfügung,
~Mit Vergnügen