Saturday, February 24, 2018

24.Februar - Board Games to Oblivion

There are some times when the imagination of a child is a wondrous thing. There are other times when it is perplexing and even startling. Today was one such time, as we spent the class period inventing our own board games.

These games ran the gamut from playing with numbers, to gathering money, to avoiding elaborate death traps and a grisly demise. They were truly noteworthy, and honestly in some cases, if they were to hit the market, I'd buy a copy.

The games were written entirely in German (naturally), using recently-acquired grammatical skills. The class paired with the 8th graders to complete this project, working in trios to completion.

Later on, we shall play the finished products.

Mit Vergnügen.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

17. Februar '18 - Einhörnerjagd

Today we hunted unicorns.

It started off like any other day: we listened to a bunch of hilarious riddles and did our best to solve them, and then did several student "Meine Nächste Woche" presentations.

As a review of the dative case (when used in prepositional phrases), we had a scavenger hunt; specifically, the class had to track down 10 little plastic unicorns that I had hidden throughout the school, using only the riddles I gave them as their guides. Once found, they confirmed the location with me, wrote down their finishing time, and had to write out exactly where they were (e.g. "Das Einhorn war in dem Kühlschrank.").

Afterward, we had a quiz over the dative case.

Next week we will do a combined activity with the 8th grade class.


Saturday, February 10, 2018

10. Februar '18 - TMPO was his Name-O

Despite the snow and silliness of the midwest in the wintertime, we managed to have school and a fully attended class, much to my surprise and elation.

We had a student "Meine Nächste Woche" presentation, and did "Mein Fahrrad" by Die Prinzen for our listening comprehension. We also had an open-notes pop quiz over modal verbs to finish out that unit. I made it open-notes to encourage good note taking, which I consider far more important of a skill and a habit than simply memorizing things.

Our lesson was over prepositional phrases. We introduced another acronym, "TMPO" (time, manner, place, object) to cover proper word order in prepositional phrases, introduced the common/two-way prepositions (an, auf, hinter, vor, neben, über, unter, zwischen) and did the obligatory dance to go with them. This segued into covering what direct and indirect objects are, and how they use the accusative and dative cases respectively.

We will continue to deep dive into this grammar unit over the next few weeks.

Thank you all for coming today!

Mit Vergnügen

Saturday, February 3, 2018

3.Februar '17 - Gebote

Guten Tag!

Today we began with a student presentation of "Meine Nächste Woche" and continued with a classic song, "Millionär" from Die Prinzen.

Our lesson and main activity was around the modal verbs again. We reviewed the pairings from the previous week, those being Können and Dürfen, Möchten and Wollen, and then plunged into new territory with Sollen and Müssen.

As an activity, we did some examples wherein the kids decided whether Sollen or Müssen was the more appropriate choice, and then as we have done every year, we made our own "10 Gebote" for the classroom. Each student made 10 gebote of their own, picked their top 4, and then we voted on a total of 10 for the classroom. These are now our official 'class commandments.'
I think my favorite was, "Du sollst nicht das Universum explodieren." That is definitely good advice.

We played a kahoot reviewing the modal verbs bisher, and then called it a day.

Student presentations of "Meine Nächste Woche" shall continue for the next three weeks. Each student knows precisely when they are expected to present.

Mit Vergnügen~