Saturday, February 27, 2016

27.Februar '16 - Future

We began our day with a classic song, "Sei ein Mann" from Disney's Mulan.
Du musst so schnell sein wie wildes Wasser! Du musst so stark sein wie ein Taifun!
Du musst so heiß sein wie Höllenfeuer, geheimnisvoll zugleich so wie der Mond!


After a review of the future tense, we made cartoons illustrating our "predictions" (or outright fantasies) of where we will be in 5, 10, and 20 years.

After the break, we had a talk from Fr. Wiegert in the Museum room all about how life used to be for the Danube-Swabian settlers.

One more group recorded their Teutoburg skit, and we called it a day.

Next week will be the last week I accept Teutoburg recordings.

Mit Vergnügen

Saturday, February 13, 2016

13.Februar '16 - Lights, Camera...

We spent the bulk of our time today preparing to perform the Teutoburg presentations next class period. Roughly half the class was absent, so only one group had sufficient members to record their final product.

After the preparations and rehearsals, we went over the Modal Verb quizzes from last week (handed out today) and went into a lesson on the Future tense. This became an interesting game of Mad Libs that involved a surprising number of turtles.

Those groups whose members will be present next week will be expected to record their scripts under Frau Lussem's tutelage. Those with significant numbers absent will need to arrange amongst themselves when they can record.

Mit Vergnügen~

Saturday, February 6, 2016

6.Februar '16 - Quiz and the precursor to violence

We opened our class time with a perennial classic song that is often used for review of modal verbs, "Ich Will" by everyone's favorite group, Rammstein.

We engaged in further review and oiling of the brain gears by doing a kahoot that I fashioned over modal verbs.

Then we had the quiz, which went rather well, altogether, and lasted until lunch.

After the break, as discussed last week, we divided up into groups once again and began making the scripts for the group productions of the Battle of Teutoburg.

By next week, the scripts should be done. Groups should be ready to rehearse and (hopefully) record their productions next week as their big project for this quarter.

The groups that were present in class have divided up the remaining work, and each member should know their responsibilities. Those who were not present, I will reach out to to ensure they know what is expected of them on their return to class.

Mit Vergnügen