We made our film!
Despite tripping and falling on each other, nearly breaking a paper sword or two, and several takes needing to be redone because of giggling, we made it!
As mentioned two weeks ago, the students put together a short play depicting their interpretation of the "Night Before Teutoburg" or as I like to call it, "Hermanns Abendmahl: Der Verrat vor der Schlacht" or something like that.
I'm told the recording should be available by next (and final) class this upcoming Saturday. I'll gladly post a link here once I have the file and figure out how to do so.
Afterward, we exhausted ourselves by playing "Herr Fuchs" outside until lunch, had a little donut party, and then participated somewhat in practicing for the Mother's Day program.
I'll see you all next week! And for those that won't be present, thanks for a memorable year.