Today was the day the class received their Zeugnisse. Enclosed were both the 'subjective' grades, wherein I gave my assessment of the students' overall skill levels as well as behavior, and the 'objective' semester average, wherein the grades for each assignment collected were listed out along with the average for the first half of the year.
The subjective part went as follows: (1-6, 1 being the best score)
- Betragen (conduct)
- Fleiss (effort)
- Schulbesuch (attendance)
- Grammatik (grammar skills)
- Lesen (reading ability)
- Hörverständnis (listening comprehension)
- Rechtschreiben (writing ability)
I'm available to answer any questions about the grades given should you have any. Please send the Zeugnisse back next week, signed.
We did another Hörverständnis exercise today with the semi-romantic song, "Ohne Dich" by Rammstein. This segued into a further lesson on the accusative case, whereupon we reviewed previously established points and elaborated further with the introduction of accusative pronouns, namely "mich" and "dich."
From there, we played a game, a variant of the classic "Hast Du Mein Obst" called "Ich habe dich gern."
Kids said to each other, "Ich habe dich gern. Hast du mich gern?" and were answered with, "NEIN!" the object being to make one another laugh. Whoever laughed in this exchange (the one professing they like the other, or the one doing the rejecting) was out.
FYI--I did my best to emphasize the use of "gern haben" in the casual, 'liking' sense to keep it appropriate.
Also covered was communicating not just liking, but 'favorites' as well, including using Liebling--- and "am liebsten haben."
After the midday break, we reviewed the previously-covered modal verbs ('möchten', dürfen) and added können to the mix. We played "Was Kann Ich?" which was essentially charades with the added bonus of the kids having to guess in complete sentences, e.g. "Er kann schwimmen!" if a boy was up in front miming he was swimming, etc.
We ended the day with a communication exercise; the kids filled out questionnaires listing their favorite things in several categories (lieblingstier, lieblingssport, usw.) and had to ask other students what they liked as well. Those who found matches then communicated this to the group at the end, e.g. "Ich habe Snickers gern. Snickers ist mein Lieblingscandy. Soandso hat es auch gern!"
The homework is as follows:
~Mit Vergnügen